IDOM carries out a novel PTO system design to maximise power performance
In the second phase of the EuropeWave PCP programme, IDOM focused on the design of a low-power prototype optimised for installation at the Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP) in Spain. To this end, a novel power take-off (PTO) system was designed with the aim of maximising power performance, which was correlated in a wind tunnel test campaign conducted in Mondragon University. In addition, control strategies were developed and tuned to be integrated into the PTO, maintaining its robustness by avoiding external measurement instruments.
Looking to the future of the technology, the IDOM team designed an array of two low-power devices. Its viability was confirmed, and progress was made towards certification of the technology. To this purpose, a third-party review of the most critical subsystems was carried out by DNV.