Sea-Saw WEC
The AMOG Sea-Saw WEC technology involves a dual hinged, twin hull combined surge and pitch device with two rolling mass PTOs on curved tracks.
The fundamental & pragmatic principles of the technology are:
All moving parts in air; improving reliability, inspection and maintenance while reducing operating costs.
High TRL sub-systems; components for each sub-system, including the PTO, are commercial-off-the-shelf, reducing technical risk.
Designed with installation front of mind; using conventional catenary mooring lines & anchors it can be installed by a single workboat.
Fully Maintainable Offshore; rolling mass PTOs use rail cart bogies, enabling PTO changeout by a single vessel whilst the WEC remains on its mooring.
The hinge linked hulls, with their independent PTOs and the resulting “Sea-Saw” motion, enable the device to access both the long period swell and short period wind-driven waves, maximising power production.
Long term commercial LCOE estimates are consistent with the European Commission’s SET Plan target of 10 c€/kWh for ocean energy technologies in 2035.
Lead Company: AMOG Consulting Ltd
The AMOG team of consulting engineers, project managers and technicians has been solving big problems for 30 years.
From their early days as the Australian Marine and Offshore Group in Melbourne, Australia, they have grown into a global network, evolving their capability and resources to meet increasing demand from a range of industries, governments and enterprises.